The Verbatim Effect

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The Verbatim Effect

Post by rifat28dddd »

The Framing Effect
The first technique in developing compelling messages is called the framing effect. This is when people make decisions based on how the options in the message are presented to them. For instance, recipients of your message have a tendency to avoid risk when you frame the message in a positive way.

The opposite occurs when you present a framed message negatively because the person will seek risks, and therefore perhaps hesitate to respond. In short, the person on the other end of your message defines gain or loss based on the picture you paint for them.

Think about your prospecting messages. If you tell a prospect oman telegram data that they will have an 85% chance of success utilizing your offering, they will view this as avoiding risk or gaining something. The probability that they will respond increases. However, if you tell them that they have a 15% risk of not getting the results that others are receiving, they will hesitate because they perceive a loss.

The intent of the overall message is the same though. In the first scenario, there’s a 15% chance of no results, but you framed it as 85% successful. Therefore, you increased the probability that they receive the message the way you want them to.

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The second technique is the verbatim effect, which refers to the tendency of people to remember the gist of the information presented to them. People will most likely not remember all the details in a message. However, they will remember the general meaning behind the message.
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