What should be specified in the technical specifications for website development

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What should be specified in the technical specifications for website development

Post by subornaakter24 »

State the tasks clearly and precisely. After all, the main goal of the TOR is to ensure that there is mutual understanding between the client and the contractor regarding the upcoming project.

Vague and abstract formulations will not help matters. Here are some expressions to avoid:

"The web resource should please the client." But what if he is not in the mood?

"A web resource should be easy to nursing homes email list use." What does "easy" mean in this case?

"A web resource should easily withstand a huge traffic of visitors." What numbers were meant here? 10,000 users? 20,000,000?

"Content from experts." Well, there's no need to comment here.

What should be specified in the technical specifications for website development

Source: PeopleImages.com - Yuri A/ shutterstock.com

Look for ambiguous wording in the texts. If you find any, rework them. All tasks should sound as specific as possible.

Instead of “fast resource loading,” write that all pages of the site should load at a speed of more than 80 points when checked through the Google PageSpeed ​​Insights service.

Replace the phrase "Heavy load" with "60 thousand users simultaneously".

"The list of articles is displayed on the main page" should be reformulated as "6 new articles are displayed on the main page".

Instead of “laconic and user-friendly design,” write “the subscribe button should look like this” and accompany the task with a picture.

That's all about the wording in the TOR. Now let's look at its structure.

Please provide general information

Everyone involved in development should have a clear idea of ​​what kind of business the client has and who the target audience is. Indicate this information at the beginning of the technical specification.

You also need to write down the purpose of the web resource, briefly outline its functionality. Otherwise, you risk getting a blog instead of an online store.

Explain complex terms

The main thing in the technical specification is to compose it in such a way that it is clear to everyone what the result should be. If you have to use terminology that is new to the customer, explain to him in plain language what you mean (just don’t send him to Wikipedia pages):

Content refers to texts, images, gifs, and videos posted on the website.

To manage content, add and edit it, you need a CMS, which can be used without knowledge of web development.

The block at the bottom of each page is called the footer.

Describe the tools and requirements for hosting

Let's say you've been working on a website for a couple of months and you've got a fantastic result. You've coordinated every step with the customer, and they're happy. And then you hand over the project, and the client is angry because they wanted a WordPress admin panel, not MODx.

To avoid an unpleasant situation, inform him in advance about what engines, libraries and tools you usually use. Explain to him what the hosting requirements are. After all, it may turn out that the client's server is hosted on .NET, and you make a site on PHP.

List the requirements for the site to work

The web resource must function using any browser and any device. Of course, both the customer and the contractor know about this. However, it is better to include this point in the technical specifications for the development of the site so that the client can protect himself from poor quality work. Example:

The finished website must meet the following technological requirements :

1.1 It should be displayed equally in Chrome1+, IE9+, Safari4+, Opera10+ browsers.

1.2. It should adapt to the most popular device sizes:

computer monitor - 1600 x 992 px;

laptop - 1280 x 802 px;

tablet - 768 x 1024 px;

phone - 320 x 480 px.

Thus, work on the site necessarily involves the creation of a mobile version.

Here you also need to specify what the site loading speed should be, what the maximum load on the site should be, as well as the requirements for protection from hackers.

Specify the structure of the site

Before you outline the design and do the layout, agree on the structure of the web resource with the customer.

Find out what he wants. Consult with developers, SEO specialists, marketers and editors and determine what pages the project needs. Decide how you will link them together.

The structure of the site can be presented in the form of a diagram, or you can simply make a list of sections.

Web resource structure

The structure of a web resource is its foundation. If you work it out poorly, you will get an unsuccessful site.
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