Polls in Telegram are a feature that allows you to create multiple-choice polls in chats and channels. Users can choose from a set of suggested options or add their own answer. The creator of the poll can set the duration of the poll and see the results of the vote in real time.
What kind of polls can be done in Telegram
In Telegram, you can create a variety of polls with different answer options. For example:
Surveys with one answer option (yes/no or other statement);
Multiple choice surveys (multiple answer options for one question);
Polls with the ability to add your own answer;
Polls with anonymous voting;
Polls with set time of action;
Polls in channels and groups with voting option for members only.
Telegram also allows you to conduct surveys that consist bank data of several questions (questionnaires) and surveys with the ability to comment on the answers.
Anonymous survey in Telegram
In Telegram, you can create anonymous polls where voters will not be able to find out who chose which answer option. In order to create an anonymous poll in Telegram, you need to enable the "Anonymous poll" option when creating the poll.
It is important to note that an anonymous poll in Telegram does not protect the creator of the poll from the possibility of finding out which participant chose which answer option. If you create an anonymous poll, you can see the voting results, but you will not be able to find out who voted how.
Non-anonymous survey in Telegram
In Telegram, you can create polls where voters will know who chose which answer option. To do this, you do not need to enable the "Anonymous poll" option when creating a poll.
Once a poll is created, participants will be able to vote and see which answer option was chosen by other participants. The creator of the poll will also be able to see the voting results, including who voted how.
It is important to remember that in non-anonymous polls, voters may be somewhat cautious in their answers, as they know that other participants may find out which answer option they chose.
How to make a poll in Telegram
To create a poll in Telegram, you need to follow these steps:
Open the desired chat or channel where you want to create a poll;
Click the Attach icon (paperclip icon) at the bottom of the screen;
In the menu that appears, select "Poll";
Enter your survey question in the Question field;
Enter answer options in the appropriate fields. You can add up to 10 answer options;
If necessary, enable the "Anonymous survey" option or set the survey duration;
Click the Submit button to publish your survey.
Once the poll is published, participants will be able to vote for one of the answer options. The creator of the poll can see the voting results in real time, as well as how many people voted for each answer option.