If site visitors view, say, 5 thousand pages daily (like on Lenta.ru on weekends), then in addition to text, images, etc., they download 266 * 5 thousand bytes of spaces, that is, more than 1 GB of useless load.
Decide for yourself whether to tick the box or not. But remember: you can and should optimize the load if you expect a super-fast increase in traffic.
"Prohibition of sending south africa email list site pages for indexing" . Some web pages do not need indexing. But you may be interested in whether these pages are visited or not. At the same time, if you install a counter on a web page, it is also sent for indexing (according to Yandexhttps://yandex.ru/support/metrika/code/stop-indexing.xml). Therefore, on such service or closed pages you can set another counter code. The checkbox will help to count the number of visitors, and the web pages will remain closed for indexing.
"Informer" . If this checkbox is checked, a square with statistics will appear on the site, which will be visible to all visitors. Decide for yourself: as a rule, "Informer" is not installed, but this is everyone's personal choice. The disadvantage is that your statistics will be visible to competitors. And the advantage is that open data is more interesting to advertisers.
"Sending e-commerce data to Metrica" . This is a fine-grained tracking parameter for online store purchase details. Thanks to it, you can see who put what in their shopping cart, and whether they made a purchase or not.
Step 4. Installing the counter code on the site
Step 4. Installing the counter code on the site
The code must be installed on all web pages that you want to analyze. If you are the owner of a static HTML site and the code for each page is specified in a separate file, then you have big problems: you will have to write everything manually. When using any engine, the same WordPress, or if the website is developed on a platform (such as Wix, uCoz, etc.), it is enough to add the code to the header.
Note: if you select "Informer", the block with statistics will pop up in the place where you added the code. Therefore, it is better to place the code at the bottom of the page or in the sidebar.
Let's take an example: how to install a visitor counter for a WordPress site?
Hint . There is an easy way - create a new widget "Text" in widgets and add the counter code there without a title. Done! The counter is installed on the site. The main advantage is that if the theme changes, the counter will remain in place. In addition, you can insert AdSense and Direct advertising blocks using the same principle.
If you don't use widgets or want to solve other problems, go to Appearance - Editor. On the right side, you will see a list of header.php files. Click on it. This is a header file that is present in every theme, but with different content. You can install your code almost anywhere, but it is better to find the body tag and insert the code right after it:
If you don't use widgets
If you plan to use the "Informer", you will need a footer.php file, which is included on all pages of the website at the bottom. Where exactly the code is located in this file depends on the theme. One option is to find the closing body tag and put before it:
Remember: the code added in the editor applies only to the selected theme. When changing the theme, you will have to add the code to the new one. To avoid this, it is better to add the code to widgets or configure child themes.
Step 5. Usage
By installing the code and clicking the "Save" button in Yandex.Metrica, you will be able to monitor your site's visitors onhttps://metrika.yandex.ruand in the Yandex Metrika mobile application.
If you plan to use "Informer"
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