Congratulate people on holidays

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Congratulate people on holidays

Post by Mimaktsa10 »

o maintain friendly relations with clients, organize an event. The occasion can be anything: a company birthday, a presentation of a new product, a master class, a business breakfast, a seminar, etc.

The event will give you a lot of opportunities to communicate with your audience. First you need to send an invitation, then make sure that the person received it, then the event itself will follow, and after that you need to get feedback from your customers.

Congratulate people on holidays

It's best not only with calendar ones. The surest way to remind a client about yourself and at the same time to win his favor is to congratulate him on his birthday!

It is not always tactful to uruguay email list directly find out the date of birth. You can use indirect pretexts, for example, start a conversation about astrology and zodiac signs. Or resort to a questionnaire and at the same time find out other useful information about the person.

If you have informal relationships with your clients and you are confident in their sense of humor, then you can congratulate them 1-2 times a year on funny holidays, for example, on Compliment Day, on International Pancake Day, on Star Wars Day or on Harry Potter's birthday.

But don't overdo it. Jokes are good in moderation, especially considering that your ultimate goal is business relations with clients, not entertainment.

Make your own New Year

If you are thinking about how to call a client and remind them about yourself, then you can use an interesting reason for this purpose:

"Dear Petr Gennadievich, I would like to congratulate you on the New Year! Today, September 27, we celebrate the New Year of working with you. Perhaps you do not remember, but two years ago on this day our first deal took place. It is important to us that you are our client, so we decided to celebrate this date."

Instead of a call, you can send a postcard with approximately the same content. Most likely, it will be remembered much more than the standard congratulations on the calendar New Year.

Recommend your clients

Or recommend good partners and trusted companies to your clients. In general, actively engage in useful matchmaking, thus showing concern for your consumers.

Search for the client's name in Yandex or Google

Find good mentions of the person and send him a link with a comment that you accidentally saw this message on the Internet. The method is, of course, specific, but for people with an active life position and unique names it should work.

Another way to start a conversation with a client is to share an interesting business idea with them. Informally, without pushing a commercial offer.

An abandoned cart is a good opportunity to remind the customer about yourself

There are situations when a person visits a website, puts a lot of things in the basket, and then abandons it without completing the purchase. This is a great opportunity to remind the client about yourself. After all, the person has a desire to buy, it just needs a little push.
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