Buyers will not remember all the specific attributes of your

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Buyers will not remember all the specific attributes of your

Post by rifat28dddd »

If you feel that you “pitch” more than you listen, focus more on these questions. Don’t get caught up in the technical aspects of your product or solution.

It is very easy to be likable when you place the human element of your process first. product but they will remember how you made them feel.

The easiest way to answer all of these questions for your prospect bahamas telegram data is to listen deeply to their stories, problems, and goals. Don’t worry so much about wowing the buyer with your product presentation and focus on how you make them feel.

You will quickly start moving from inconsistent results to more consistent outcomes.Is Projecting Your Values on Buyers (Selling Like You Buy) Holding You Back?
Do not sell the way you buy. Projecting your values on buyers – beliefs, assumptions, and mindset – has a detrimental effect on your sales performance and income.

The audience member interrupted me. “Keith that sounds like a tactic a cheesy salesperson my use. I could never do that with a prospect.” He was referring to the four qualifying questions that I claimed are guaranteed to bring in more sales when meeting with any prospect.
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