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Email Newsletters to Build Long-Term Loyalty

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2025 3:47 am
by rumana777
They had the potential to attract new customers, but they were one of the most expensive promotional strategies. One of the big advantages of digital samples is that they require an initial cost to create, but after that, each new gift is simply not an expense for the seller.

Live Chat
Enable Live Chat
For some reason, almost inexplicable in the 2020s, many leading retailers don’t offer live chat on their main e-commerce sites. Adding live chat is easy because it’s the perfect way to directly interact with current or potential customers, it costs virtually nothing to monitor, and it’s what most consumers expect these days.

You hear some people say that the email newsletter is out rcs data russia of style, but it's not. Many people sign up and receive them every day. They are especially popular with loyal, repeat product buyers.

Any marketer who neglects to provide customers with an e-newsletter is missing out on one of the easiest ways to stay in touch with a particularly important group of customers. That's because repeat customers walk and talk on billboards for a company they admire and whose products/services they repeatedly buy.

In fact, you could argue that this loyal group is the most important customer subcategory for any company. To leave them without a quality, informative, engaging newsletter is an omission that is almost unfathomable in the digital age.