How do small businesses find the right PR agency?

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How do small businesses find the right PR agency?

Post by Mitu100@ »

Anyone who decides to find a PR agency for their public relations work will naturally be faced with the question of how they can monitor the PR agency's work. No external service provider will agree to guarantee at least x publications per year. In order to be able to understand at any time what the PR agency is working on and which journalists it is contacting, it is therefore advisable to use a joint CRM. In this way, both the company and the PR agency can always see which journalist contacts exist and how they are maintained. You can read how CentralstationCRM can be used to manage journalist contacts in a separate article.

Philipp Pudelko - Managing armenia telegram screening Director of Drunk Octopus Communications
We asked Philipp Pudelko, owner of the PR agency Drunk Octopus Communications , how you as an SME can find the right PR agency for your public relations work, what you should pay attention to when choosing and what is important when working together.

In my opinion, the best advice is still a personal recommendation. Anyone looking for a PR agency should ask around among their business contacts. A simple Google search on PR and, for example, your own industry can also provide some initial information. If you want to use one of the large agencies, you can also look at the members of an association, such as the GPRA. However, their interest in a mandate from a small company is probably limited.
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