Posting several posts on your business page and studying the view statistics will help you understand what your followers like and which articles get the most engagement. These are the ones you should focus on promoting.
If you start to boost posts that generate active user response, then the cost of the action for which Facebook* writes off funds will become minimal (let's say 30 kopecks); at the same time, the number of people who see the publication will constantly grow.
Case: VT-metall
Find out how we reduced the cost of attracting an application by 13 times for a metalworking company in Moscow
Find out how
You probably have an article that motivates a lot of readers to click on the link and go to the site. If you work on promoting it up, you can significantly reduce the cost per click.
How do you determine vietnam email list which post is most promising from this point of view?
Go to the Statistics section of your business page and open the Posts tab.
Click on the Reach column to see which posts people viewed the most.
Select the most successful ones and raise them.
Promoting posts from a Facebook business page*
The algorithm of actions is simple. Having placed the material on the business page, we find the button "Raise publication" at the bottom right. A window consisting of two parts will open.
Business Page
On the left side there are lifting settings, they can be divided into several groups:
Budget and duration.
On the right side, there is the option to preview the post in two ways - on a computer monitor and on a smartphone screen.
Let's take a closer look at each setting option.
Adding a button
You can choose one of the six options offered:
- No button.
— To the store.
— Book.
— More details.
— Register.
— Send a message.
The selected button will be located at the bottom right.
When posting without a link, you can, at the prompt of Facebook*, provide a URL to go to the site.
To make the "Send Message" button active, enable the ability to write messages to you in your business page settings.
When posting a post with a link to an article on a website, keep in mind that using a button is not always the best solution. Try the "No button" or "Read more" option.
An important option is targeting settings. It determines who will see your post.
The following methods are available to limit your audience:
— People who like your page.
— People who like your page and their friends.
— People you select through targeting.
The effectiveness of your advertising budget directly depends on the correct choice of audience. If you make a poorly thought-out decision or let things slide, i.e. let Facebook* determine the users to show your publication to, most of your money will be wasted.
The best option is to select an audience using targeting. To do this, click on "Edit" or "Create a new audience".
Audience setup includes the following steps:
— come up with a name for the audience;
— select gender;
- indicate age limits;
- mark the places of residence of potential clients;
— set up detailed targeting.
By accurately specifying all options, Facebook* will accurately identify members of your target audience.
It must be said that with this method of raising a post (from a page), you have to be content with a very small set of settings, which does not always guarantee a good targeting result.
Which post to choose for promotion on Facebook*
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- Joined: Tue Dec 24, 2024 2:58 am