Creating a content plan

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Creating a content plan

Post by Mimaktsa10 »

Now let's figure out how to use the clustering results to create a content plan and the article itself.

Example 1 (Yandex.Direct settings). Click "View results" and see what we got as a result.

On the left side, the names of clusters are displayed, which can be used as a publication topic. And on the right side, there is more detailed information: related keys by clusters.

Yandex.Direct setup

So, for the key phrase “queries in finland email list Yandex.Direct” we got approximately the following plan of articles:

analysis of queries in Yandex.Direct;

how to collect requests;

types of requests;

statistics of queries in Yandex.Direct;

the most expensive queries.

Let's take one small cluster and, based on it, select 5 topics for articles.

Example 2 (extension to the house): Now we know that the left side of the results shows clusters, and the right side shows keyword groups.

Keyword groups

But how can all this be used in one article? Obviously, a longread should be made – a review publication with video materials. The video is required to clearly show the implementation of technical solutions.

An approximate outline of the article is below.

Extension to the house: types, materials + video

What is done as an extension (bathhouse, garage, veranda).

What can be used to build an extension to a house (frame, brick, wood).

The result is 2 sections, each of which contains 3 subsections with videos.

This plan, depending on the editorial policy, can be used in the technical specifications for the author, indicating uniqueness, number of characters, etc.
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