What content (keyword: content marketing ) do I want and can I convey and what can I include in articles, advertisements or social media posts? And how do I reach the "right" people, namely my target group, in today's flood of media? Can I follow certain rules or structures so that my content is more likely to be noticed?
Once we have looked at the content, the question inevitably arises as to which marketing channels are suitable for accommodating this content. What options are there and which of them make sense for my company? I am probably not giving too much away if I say that there are countless of them, both in offline and online marketing . That is brazil telegram screening why it is imperative to limit yourself to a few, ideally the right ones. In other words, to the channels that bring the highest "return on investment" (ROI) for my company, i.e. the highest profit for my invested money, my work and my time. As a small company, you usually only have a limited budget at your disposal and every euro should ultimately be invested where I can achieve the most with it. Accordingly, my marketing channels are certainly completely different, whether I am a personnel consultancy that exclusively targets corporate customers (B2B) or I run an online shop for fashion items (B2C). As the owner of a gym, I address both corporate and private customers, but they have to come from my immediate area because nobody drives 50km three times a week to lift a few weights.
Finally, of course, it remains to see, or rather measure, which marketing campaigns were how effective. This is not always easy, especially offline, but you can try to get closer to meaningful results.