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Difficulty of comparison

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:17 am
by Mimakte
Possible sequence of actions due to the complexity of product comparison:

the supplier requests certain inventory items from the employee making purchases, but does not provide detailed information about the required goods;

When placing an order, the employee is guided by his own understanding, which may not reflect the actual situation;

Due to the lack of complete information, suppliers numbers (south korean tv series) ask for details, make assumptions, and the solution to the issue is constantly postponed.

Difficulty of comparison


As a result, the acquired inventory items have inappropriate characteristics and may even be unsuitable for use. In addition, in such conditions of ambiguity, the quality of the reference book deteriorates.


In the process of interaction with counterparties, items are duplicated and then displayed in the reference book. If we talk about large organizations that continuously make purchases and maintain reference books with tens of thousands of items, then duplicate, redundant and inaccurate information begins to take up a lot of space, while searching for and detecting duplicates is very difficult.

Contamination of the reference book prevents creating reports, conducting analysis, planning purchases of inventory items. Because of this, discrepancies usually arise between the contents of the reference book and the actual availability of goods in the warehouse; searching for the required item does not give results.

Additional classification
When processing orders with standardized goods and government orders for inventory items, it is necessary to specify additional classifiers: OKPD2, KTRU, ESKLP, etc. Similarly, each requested item must include a standardized classifier by which its category can be identified.

When the directory contains erroneous information, purchasing these products presents significant difficulties, since in the process of searching for suppliers it is often unclear which classifier should be assigned to a particular item.

Also, incorrectly filled reference books prevent the accounting and application of periodic innovations in the codes of assigned classifiers, and the determination of positions that will require adjustment.

Example : The need to introduce codes is caused by the fact that customers often evaluate the nomenclature presented on the site in advance, using for these purposes in most cases the codes of all-Russian classifiers.

Thus, on the trade portal of the ETP GPB there is an option to search by OKPD2. Following the publication of the list of required products, the customer informs all registered suppliers that he needs a specific product.

Let's say that if a customer is interested in car tires, he specifies the corresponding OKPD2 code, and a letter with a request is sent to all suppliers offering items with an identical code.

Thus, designating items according to a standardized classification is useful for both suppliers and customers.

Monitoring demand
When carrying out large orders, it is recommended to closely monitor demand. The corporate register of reference information does not always reflect market trends; when describing data, it is necessary to focus on average market indicators, use information available to suppliers and manufacturers of the required products. The customer and supplier must agree on all conditions.

The characteristics should provide a detailed description of the inventory items in order to purchase the required product according to the nomenclature.

If the information in the corporate directory differs significantly from most descriptions of other manufacturers, the purchased products may not meet the needs of the enterprise. This is typical even for large orders and leads to significant losses and delays. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to properly organize the maintenance of the reference data.

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