This section is tough to define and put in a template. It’s about how Chinese marketing would fit into the big picture strategy of the business. The best way to find the answer is getting in touch with a higher-level person in a client’s company and asking them why they enter China, or why they want to expand in China. We may keep asking questions about why they’re uk phone number database doing this and that to get to a deeper level, and we might get more information that is useful for us. Or, which works just as fine, we might help them think through the process a bit which would affect what the goal would be.
China Marketing Plan - Team
The team is very important. We believe in using small cross-functional teams so that everyone can communicate with each other. We want to have everybody listed here. In our case, we would list 4-5 NMG contacts, and we may end up listing one, three or five client contacts. It’s good to have a team of 5-10 people in total, NOT fifty people. Based on our experience, working with just one person or too many people on the client-side both make it difficult to actually get things done.
China Marketing Plan - Customers