Special Deals
Source: shutterstock.com
Similar to Programmatic Guaranteed, special deals brazil mobile number list are private agreements between advertisers and publishers for specific, exclusive inventory at a pre-determined price.
What is the difference between Programmatic Guaranteed and Special Deals:
In Programmatic, guaranteed sets up a meeting between an advertiser and a publisher to set a price and terms for inventory, which is then reserved or guaranteed specifically for that advertiser.
In preferred deals, the advertiser and publisher develop a strategy to determine the price and terms of the inventory, but the purchasing decision is made without any interference from the advertiser.
In preferred deals, the advertiser gets first dibs on participating in auctions at a set price. If the buyer declines, the publisher retains the option to sell the inventory in an open or closed auction.
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Stages of launching programmatic advertising
Step one : defining the end goal
It is necessary to clearly understand the reason for launching an advertising campaign - whether it is an increase in sales, increasing brand awareness or improving its image, attracting additional traffic to a web resource. The choice of the main targeting parameters and the method of purchasing advertising is directly related to the goal.
Step two : choosing the optimal method for purchasing advertising
When deciding to focus on an auction, you should choose a suitable DSP platform. Pay attention to the quality and quantity of web resources in the advertising network, their coverage. When conducting a marketing campaign through Programmatic Direct, there is direct interaction with the web publisher. When using the PMP model for purchasing, you will need an invitation to a closed auction.
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Step three : calculate your budget
The value of this parameter directly affects the duration of the advertising campaign and the choice of sites for placing ads. The larger the budget, the longer and better the advertising will be.
Step Four : Determine the Ad Type
It is necessary to consider where exactly your target audience will interact with the advertisement. For example, at the end of a video, on a thematic web resource, in an application through a pop-up window.
Step Five : Setting a Goal
As part of the programmatic advertising process, you define key aspects of the audience: gender, age, location, interests. The level of effectiveness of the advertising campaign directly depends on the quality of the target audience profile.
Stages of the start of the advertising programmatic process
Source: shutterstock.com
Targeting in programmatic allows you to identify the target audience - to select a group of interested users and focus on them. This tool reduces costs on useless impressions and optimizes the budget. Setting up targeting involves choosing the parameters by which the system will select the audience. The more accurately you define these indicators, the more personalized the advertising will be.
Important factors for programmatic targeting:
Audience characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, income, education level.
Geographic data including country, region, city, district, and specific location.
Analysis of behavior, interests of website visitors, visited resources and purchasing habits.
Technological parameters such as the devices used, browsers, operating systems, languages and network settings.
Focus on social groups and communities associated with the product and studying the audience in these environments.
Context means the topics of the tasks and requests, key words.