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Search on Google: Learn about advanced Google search and more features

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:24 am
by Md5656se
Even though we've been ahead of Google for years, many people don't know that you can perform all kinds of advanced searches on Google.

We have a multitude of functionalities at our disposal that are very useful both for users when carrying out their searches and for those of us who are dedicated to SEO.

In this article I intend to share information about how searches are performed, the different types that exist and some very useful features.

These are useful both for buying a product in the most economical way thanks to comparative searches and for finding, for example, “free” sites to create links to.

Types of searches
I think the first thing is to describe the functionalities that Google has because I am sure that you have not used many of them yet.

Google has a great segmentation to adapt to each type of search and for each type of user.

Some of these sections have created a great deal of controversy because they have displaced large companies within the results.

But, as always, we must not forget that we are talking about a company made in the USA and -as is normal- it is going for the business models that provide the greatest economic return.

Advanced Google Search - Types of Searches
Information searches
Informational searches refer to all queries made by users with the aim of obtaining information on a specific topic.

Unlike transactional searches that we will see later, there is no associated purchase intention but rather a desire for information.

Next, we will see what each of them consists of.

1.- Everything
Until very recently this option was called web, but now it has been renamed to “all”.

This is because it is the section where we will find the most information, philippines code number mobile including data that belongs to all the other sections that we will see below.

In this section you can find really interesting things.

You can search for a specific file format—such as a PDF file—by using the Google command “filetype:format.”

One trick is to put the word you want to search for in Google before and after the command, since, although the first results are identical, you will see that things change at the bottom of the search.


Advanced Google Search - Search Tricks
2.- News
Although Google supposedly closed its “Google News in Spain” on September 16, 2014” due to the “Intellectual Property Law” , we can still see direct news information in Spain and in other countries.

An important detail when working on the SEO of this section is that you have to keep in mind that the update date is very important.

Therefore, it is essential to work correctly with this label:

<time itemprop="dateModified" datetime="">

Another recurring SEO strategy for this section is to create a URL and update the content every so often, touching the datetime of the previous tag.