This text must be composed
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:30 am
Messaging Type Continue the wizard by clicking the Create Messaging Service button . Step 2: Configuring the Sender Now we need to define which resource will be used to send our SMS. In our case, these will be notification (or marketing) SMS, so we will use an Alpha Sender ID. To do this, click the Add Sender button . then choose the Alpha Sender type. and click the Continue button . Add Alpha Sender Now you can choose the text that will be used as the sender of SMS messages from your messaging service.
This text must be composed of 11 characters maximum: letters or numbers or space. Details on the required format for an Alpha Sender ID are here . Add Sender Once you have entered the text, click the Add Alpha phone number philippines Sender button . Your sender is now configured for your messaging service. Your SMS will be sent with this Alpha Sender. Sender Pool with Alpha Note: You can complete your wizard by skipping the other steps.
Step 3: Test your messaging service Now we are ready for our first SMS sending test! To do this, go to the Messaging product => Try it out => Send an SMS All you need to do is enter the phone number of the recipient of your test, choose the messaging service you have just created and enter the text of your message in the Body Text input field. Try Messaging SMS Test Now click on Send test SMS .
You have sent your first SMS with an Alpha Sender! Step 4: Implement your SMS sending Now you can implement SMS sending using Twilio APIs. We provide many code examples for many programming languages: NodeJS, Python, Java, C# etc. JavaScript Copy the code const accountSid = 'AC7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; const authToken = '[AuthToken]'; const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken); client.messages .create({ body: 'Ceci est un test', messagingServiceSid: 'MGxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', to: '+336xxxxxxxx' }) .then(message => console.log(message.sid)) .
done(); Detailed documentation is available here: Setting up a marketing campaign We have seen how to start sending your SMS messages with an Alpha Sender. This allows you to process transactional SMS messages (see There are SMS messages and SMS messages: the different use cases). To be able to manage your marketing campaigns, you will also need to manage the opt-out. For this, two possibilities: Using a URL in the message to manage your customer/user's profile and consent Using a response phone number to send the word STOP Opt-Out by URL The majority of our customers use this mechanism.
This text must be composed of 11 characters maximum: letters or numbers or space. Details on the required format for an Alpha Sender ID are here . Add Sender Once you have entered the text, click the Add Alpha phone number philippines Sender button . Your sender is now configured for your messaging service. Your SMS will be sent with this Alpha Sender. Sender Pool with Alpha Note: You can complete your wizard by skipping the other steps.
Step 3: Test your messaging service Now we are ready for our first SMS sending test! To do this, go to the Messaging product => Try it out => Send an SMS All you need to do is enter the phone number of the recipient of your test, choose the messaging service you have just created and enter the text of your message in the Body Text input field. Try Messaging SMS Test Now click on Send test SMS .
You have sent your first SMS with an Alpha Sender! Step 4: Implement your SMS sending Now you can implement SMS sending using Twilio APIs. We provide many code examples for many programming languages: NodeJS, Python, Java, C# etc. JavaScript Copy the code const accountSid = 'AC7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; const authToken = '[AuthToken]'; const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken); client.messages .create({ body: 'Ceci est un test', messagingServiceSid: 'MGxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', to: '+336xxxxxxxx' }) .then(message => console.log(message.sid)) .
done(); Detailed documentation is available here: Setting up a marketing campaign We have seen how to start sending your SMS messages with an Alpha Sender. This allows you to process transactional SMS messages (see There are SMS messages and SMS messages: the different use cases). To be able to manage your marketing campaigns, you will also need to manage the opt-out. For this, two possibilities: Using a URL in the message to manage your customer/user's profile and consent Using a response phone number to send the word STOP Opt-Out by URL The majority of our customers use this mechanism.