In our case - makes an appointment. Ideally - on the example of whatsapp number in philippines first visit to the page. It is not easy to achieve the action we need. For this, the page must be: Informative. The user should be convinced at the first reading that you understand their problem and can solve it. Tell them not only about the availability of modern equipment.

Share your experience in providing a specific service, back it up with reviews. Dentistry is a field that is 90% tied to the person of the specialist. Show the potential patient who exactly will treat them. Functional. First, the design must be adaptive. Traffic from mobile devices has already outweighed "landlines". Therefore, the page must be displayed correctly on all conceivable and inconceivable devices.
The second important component is the interactivity of the page. Ideally, the user should be able to contact you in one or two clicks. If this is an appointment form, you should not require filling in a million fields. If this is a hotline number, it should be clickable. The more actions need to be performed, the greater the chance that no one will perform them.
Visually appealing. What is the most important thing in selling dental services? To remove all the patient's fears. The most unforgivable mistake you can make is to fill the sales pages of your website with colorful photos of patients' ordeals, backing it all up with large images of pliers, syringes, and drills. Your doctors understand how great it is that they have such cool tools.