I have written about this subject on several occasions. It is worth revisiting it because things change. This is how I get ideas to publish on this blog.
Carlos Bravo1
Sometimes I'm the only one who notices that the topic I've posted has already been covered before. In 2012, when I started with the daily post, it came up more frequently. At the time, I mainly covered blogging aspects in more depth. The goal is to publish something really useful for a third party who wants to improve and/or start a blog. The risk of this coming up is much smaller now.
Change from marketing blog to entrepreneurial diary
I think that's the best way to describe it. Years ago I was also japan mobile phone number ranked among marketing blogs until they realized that I no longer write much about the topic. The focus of the blog has changed radically. Now this has become more of my personal space where I reflect on topics. Some readers write to me that they learn a lot from what I publish and honestly I'm surprised because I mostly reflect and describe situations.
It is clear that from time to time I give advice without thinking about it. It is also true that the things that one has learned and mastered are not given much importance even though they may have some importance. With all the previous information that I have just told you before, you should be clear about one thing: I write what happens to me on a daily or weekly basis. Many times they are random thoughts that I have in my head. Other times the idea comes to me at the moment. In fact, 95% of the ideas for the posts on this blog come to me 5 minutes before I start writing them.
The goal I have for the posts I publish on my blog
I have a hidden agenda. Over the past few years I have mentioned more than once that this blog is for me and that if other people come to read it, they will be welcome. If you don't like the topics, go somewhere else (why waste your time with me, considering the millions of alternatives the Internet offers).