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Feel healthier through volunteering.

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:20 am
by Arzina699
Step 2: Employee engagement
Corporate volunteering puts your company on the map in a positive way within the labor market. It also contributes to various health benefits, which together ensure less absenteeism and more effective workdays. For example , research by the UnitedHealth Group shows that of the volunteers recently surveyed:

78% feel less stressed through volunteering.
94% feel in a better mood after volunteering.
Furthermore, research from the University of Exeter Medical School has shown that volunteers have a 20% lower risk of death than similar individuals who do not volunteer. So, through corporate volunteering, you ensure motivated and healthy employees.

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ADG services group, one of the largest australia telegram data 3 million employers in the Netherlands, is an example of an organization that takes care of its employees in a unique way. The company noticed that wage garnishments were being levied on employees with (too) much regularity. That is why ADG services group developed fiKks : a debt platform that helps people with money matters before they become money worries.


Also, 6 out of 10 employees indicate that a sense of purpose was part of the decision to work for their current employer. Corporate volunteering involves employees in your company's social mission.

Management Team explains that corporate volunteering is essential if your goal is to become the 'Best Place to Work'. In this, it is important to emphasize the example of Atlassian, a company that distinguishes itself with its social strategy. By organizing all kinds of team activities, employees are personally involved in Atlassian's social mission. This social mission - Pledge 1% - consists of investing 1% of the annual profit, 1% of the employees' time, and 1% of the equity in the Atlassian Foundation as a company.For example, one of the activities from this foundation is cooking together for lonely elderly people.