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How FUD affects a blogger and how to respond to it

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:28 am
by Abdur12
A visitor may have many questions when he or she first visits a site. It is up to the blogger to answer them if he or she is to become a reader.

Carlos Bravo8
“FUD what…?” some people will say now. Yes, you heard me right. I recently explained to you what FUD is and where it came from. To avoid this becoming an awkward situation for both of us, I’ll give you 3 minutes to read the post and come back here when you’re ready…

Reader's doubtsPhoto rights by Fotolia

So, is everything clear? What I said before was meant as a joke. I don't take it badly that you don't read all my posts. I understand it perfectly because I don't do it either. I have enough to write them. Regarding japan phone number sample FUD or MID, you only have to remember one thing. Fear, uncertainty and doubts always arise when a person faces something new: in this case, your blog. It's nothing personal. Human beings are programmed that way. It's an instinct that has helped us survive and get to this point.

What questions arise when a reader accesses a blog for the first time?
I would love to hear out loud from time to time what a visitor who visits my blog for the first time thinks about. Or maybe not, who knows. What is clear is that in most cases the same frequently asked questions always arise.

Who are you to write about this topic with any criteria?
I'm a beginner. How can I get started on your blog from scratch?
I have a question. How can I contact you?
I liked it. Where can I find more articles on the topic?
That's not exactly what I need to know. Can I access the rest of your content?
Where did you get the Fotolia photo from?
The last question is not serious but you'd be surprised how many times I get asked about it.

How to Answer a Blog Visitor's FAQ
Before hearing about FUD ( fear , uncertainty and doubt ) I had never considered that this concept could also be applied to the world of blogs. If you look at the possible questions that arise, it is common sense.