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Disagreeing is good

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:47 am
by Abdur12
Disagreeing is healthy for the blog and the blogger. It allows them to see different points of view that help them change their mind and/or broaden their horizons.

Carlos Bravo13
Although I have already touched on the subject of trolls on this blog, I have had little contact with this type of reader. I would not wish this type of confrontation on my worst enemy because apart from being a waste of time, it is highly unpleasant to use other types of terms.

DisagreePhoto rights by Fotolia

Another thing that surprises me is that I rarely have cases where readers disagree with me. At first glance this may be a good thing but in theory it is not. The explanation is very simple. I would like to think that japan whatsapp number list everyone agrees with what I write but realistically this is obviously impossible.

Typically, a certain dynamic develops in the comments on this blog. The first ones are usually positive in the sense that they support my argument. If someone disagrees, the barrier to expressing this publicly is higher because apart from the author, he has the commentators against him and seems to be alone with his point of view. The same happens when a negative dynamic develops in the first comments. In that case, it is just as difficult to go against the flow.

Another, much simpler explanation is that most people who read a blog almost never comment . It doesn't matter if they agree or not. You as the author will never know. And that's not good either.

After my last post, one might think that I am against negative feedback. This is not the case. I have a problem with destructive criticism that aims to launch a missile to destroy without any interest in really contributing anything. Some readers also use a blogger as a black sheep when they have had a bad day. I have experienced this several times in the first person. When you know it, you don't take it personally and it even makes you smile.