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Do search engines find your pages by crawling them?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:16 am
by kkkgfkykm999
As you may have noticed, appearing on search engine research pages requires your site to be indexed and crawled. It would be a good idea to start by checking how many of your pages are in the index if you already have a website. Also, this will give you essential information about whether Google is crawling and locating all the pages it needs.

Guide search engines to crawl your website:
You can implement some optimizations to better tell Googlebot how you want your web content to be crawled. You can use Google Search Console or the advanced search operator “” to determine that some of your crucial pages are missing from the index. Additionally, some of your unimportant pages have been indexed incorrectly. You may be able to gain chinese overseas more control over what appears in the index by guiding search engines on how to crawl your website.

Also see: What are search engines and how do they work? Watch video

Many people think that Google can find their essential pages, but it's easy to overlook that there are certain pages that you don't want Googlebot to find.

Indexing: How do search engines crawl and store your web pages?
After that, you need to confirm your website’s indexability after the search engine crawls it. This is necessary because just because a search engine can find and crawl your website doesn’t guarantee that it will index it. Crawling was partly covered before, where we looked at how search engines locate pages on your site. It may be correct to say that the search engine generates a page once a crawler locates it in the same way a browser would. The search engine analyzes the data for that page. The index for that file includes all of that data.

Report your site indexing to search engines:
Robot Meta-Directives
You can provide guidance to search engines on how to navigate your website by using meta directives. You can send instructions such as "do not index this page in search results" and "do not pass any link values ​​to any links on the page" to search engine crawlers. These directives are carried out using the X-Robots-Tag in the HTTP header or through the Robots Meta Tags on your HTML pages.

Robots Meta Tag
You can use the robots meta tag in your website's HTML code. It does not include all search engines, nor just the occasional one.

You may want to exclude all search engines or just a few. The most common meta directives are listed here, along with examples of when you might use them.

Ranking: How do search engines rank URLs?
How do search engines ensure that users receive accurate results for their searches? The practice of ranking organizes search results from the most relevant to the least relevant for a given query.

Search engines use algorithms, a method or technique to meaningfully retrieve and sort stored information to assess relevance. These algorithms have undergone several modifications over time to improve the caliber of search results. For example, Google changes its algorithms every day.

While some of these updates are small quality improvements, others are basic/broad algorithm updates implemented to address a particular issue, such as Penguin to address link spam.

Why is the algorithm updated so frequently? Is Google just trying to keep us guessing? We know that Google's goal in making algorithm tweaks is to increase the overall quality of search, although Google doesn't always explain why it does what it does.

Google will typically respond to queries about Algorithm Updates by saying something like, “We’re making quality updates all the time.” If your site has undergone an algorithm change, you should compare it to Google’s Quality Guidelines or Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, which outline what search engines value.