Clients: a good portfolio of clients

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Clients: a good portfolio of clients

Post by Mitu3339 »

Non-current assets or fixed assets: in the case of possible guarantees, the bank prefers that the fixed assets be tangible, especially if they are properties whose value may increase in the future. Meanwhile, anything intangible, such as brands, can lose value quickly or even have no value at all.
Stock: In companies that sell products, a high stock level can be a way of hiding losses, so the bank analyst will check its amount against sales and its evolution compared to other years.

in terms of solvency and loyalty, is undoubtedly one of the keys to any business. But when it comes to analyzing the balance sheet, it is important phone number in ukraine that the amount of the clients itm is not too high because otherwise it will indicate that the collection period is long or that unpaid debts are appearing.
Equity: both from contributions from partners and from retained earnings. The higher the equity, the lower the debt the company will have and therefore the more solvent it will be in the eyes of the bank.
Debts: there may be various types, for example with suppliers, Public Administration, or other banks. In the latter case, the balance sheet amount will be compared with that of the CIRBE.

Working capital : that is, the portion of short-term loans that are financed with permanent resources.
The income statement is the accounting document that shows the income and expenses, and by difference the profit or loss, of a business at a specific date. However, the bank analyst will only pay attention to certain items to determine your ability to repay the financing based on the cash generation derived from your results.
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