As an online marketer, I find it good to realize what effect these new updates will have on my work. As always, the new features will have an effect on SEA and SEO. I maintain that it is still important to be findable on Google - the largest search engine in the Netherlands.
For SEO I expect that it will become increasingly important to have good content on your website. The content must be constructed in a clear, structured way. This feeds the search engine. But because there is already an answer given directly in the SERP, I expect that there will be fewer sessions from the organic Google search results.
With Bard I also expect to see a general email hong kong decrease in the number of clicks and click-through rates on text ads in the SERP. If you find your answer directly via Bard, then there is little point in performing another search via Google search results for confirmation. After all, the source is also shared by Bard.
The above-mentioned new features of the Google products are nice additions to daily life. I do not expect a huge effect on online marketing activities because of this. I do expect that marketing professionals without design or specific Photoshop experience will now be able to work much better with the magic eraser. For example, you can edit photos faster to use in advertisements. I can also imagine that the immersive routes experience will eventually also offer space for an integration with (local) Google Maps advertisements.
What else does Google have in store? On May 23, the annual Google Marketing Live event will take place. Here, Google will delve deeper into the innovations for Google Ads. I expect AI to be a hot topic here too…