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End-to-end analytics in action: what to measure and how to build it

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:47 am
by ashammi228
What indicators are needed?
Three ways of construction
Which method to choose?
Answers to frequently asked questions
Let's draw conclusions
Perhaps you think that you are already using this tool. Or, on the contrary, you are sure that your company does not need it or that its implementation costs a lot of money, effort and time. Let's figure out: what data is needed so that the reporting system can be called end-to-end analytics, what methods of construction exist and how to choose the best one for your business.

What indicators are needed?
What is end-to-end analytics in simple terms? It is a telegram db search combination of web analytics and sales data. The first level contains advertising indicators: impressions, clicks, keywords. The second level is what happens on the site: clicks, online conversions, calls. The third level is sales information, what happens when a site visitor contacts the company and converts into a potential client.

The set of required indicators depends on several factors at once:

Depending on your business segment (small, medium and large business).
From the tasks set for end-to-end analytics. For some companies, it is enough to see advertising indicators and final transactions, for others it is important to track the entire customer journey at each stage of the sales funnel.
From the deal cycle. If the decision-making cycle in your company is a month, then end-to-end analytics requires indicators that can be tracked in terms of a monthly cycle. During this time, you can manage to collect them, link them to advertising, and calculate the conversion. If sales are included in this cycle, end-to-end analytics should be brought to sales. If the deal cycle is longer, you need to choose an indicator that can be tracked and calculated in terms of a monthly cycle, and rely on it.
With the necessary data, the next step is to build a reporting system. We highlight three methods, each suitable for different business segments. Let's consider how to choose the one that suits you.

Three ways of construction
1. Let's say you have a small travel agency. Sales of travel packages have dropped sharply, and you are anxiously trying to understand what broke. In this case, the first method of organizing end-to-end analytics is for you. You choose a ready-made solution, for example, CoMagic, quickly install it and collect all the analytics in it.

The main service collects most of the data, and only when necessary are additional sources connected to it. At the same time, they act only as information collectors, and all analytics are built in the CoMagic personal account.

End-to-end analytics
From 2600 rubles per month
Collection of all data from advertising platforms and sources in one report
Easy integration with all known CRM and services
Analyze your sales funnel to identify target customers
Segmentation by more than 40 features
Online support, knowledge base and idea portal

View rates

Benefits of the solution:

Minimal time and financial costs - installation and setup will take no more than a couple of hours, and the cost starts from just 2600 rubles per month.
Reliability and accuracy - additional services are connected to the main one natively, i.e. according to a specially developed template, so data is collected without failures and with high accuracy.
Ease of use. You don’t need to be a programmer to install, connect native integrations and start collecting data, and you don’t need deep analytical skills to analyze — basic web analytics skills are enough.
It looks inspiring, but this model has its limitations.
As the business develops, the existing end-to-end analytics system may require additional integrations: communication channels with clients will expand or new sales-boosting tools will appear. In this case, the business can move to the second model.

2. You can use not one, but a combination of services. Let's say you decided to connect a callback widget. The toolkit expands: now it's CoMagic and, for example, CallbackHunter. Applications are pulled from an additional source, and the analysis is carried out in the CoMagic personal account.

Building such a model requires special knowledge and additional financial and time resources, since it is not always possible to natively integrate services with each other. Often this has to be done using custom methods: using additional scripts or API.

The capabilities of this model: if you have a smart programmer, you can connect any additional tools to the main service and quickly analyze all the data in a single interface.

3. The third method of building end-to-end analytics is the most complex, but it also has the widest possibilities. As a rule, this model is used by large businesses - they build analytics completely independently. All connected tools act only as data collectors, and the summary information is glued together and analyzed in some database or service.

The advantages of this method: broader opportunities for analytics. For example, you can start tracking LTV (customer life cycle) to understand how much money each client brings to the company over the entire period of cooperation.

The challenges you will face include finding a competent specialist or even a whole team, money, time.

Construction methods Pros Cons
End-to-end analytics CoMagic — fast;
— inexpensive;
— accurate data provision;
— reliable;
— easy and understandable;
— technical support. — additional integrations may be required.
Combination of services - several sources of data provision;
- wide possibilities for analysis. - additional knowledge is needed during integration;
- more time;
- additional budget.

Complex construction — several sources of data provision;
— wide possibilities for analysis;
— all data from services is collected in one place.
— quite resource-intensive to set up;
— you need to be able to build queries to the database;
— you need to be able to use analysis systems;
— you will need the help of a specialist or a whole team

Which method to choose?
The answer to this question depends on the tasks set for end-to-end analytics and the willingness to invest in it.

If your task is to quickly analyze the return on advertising, then method #1 will solve it. Just choose one service that can collect everything, analyze it and quickly give answers. This method is the easiest to use and easily covers the needs of small businesses.

If there are some typical advertising campaigns. For example, you launched a lead form on VKontakte: applications for it can only be tracked in the application itself, since there is no native integration with any service yet. In this case, your end-to-end analytics can transform into model #2. Be prepared to look for a programmer who knows how to work with API, write integrations, or use third-party scripts.

Large companies have a more complex business structure, and therefore other requirements for end-to-end analytics. Model #3 is suitable here. The focus is on accuracy, control, and meeting the needs of all team members: from a contextual advertising specialist to the head of the sales department. Such a company always has non-standard, more complex tasks, for the solution of which analysts are involved. In Excel, Power BI, or simply a database, specialists collect all the received data and solve these problems.

Don't waste your advertising budget
The call tracking and end-to-end analytics service will show the effectiveness of each source in terms of “from click to sale”.

Get a consultation

Answers to frequently asked questions
I already have a counter on the site for analytics
The counter on the site will not give you a complete picture of the effectiveness of advertising. It will determine the main sources of transition to your site (context, media, etc.) and many other necessary indicators, but will not take into account sales. Without integrating the counter on the site and CRM, you will not be able to understand which channel was effective and which was unprofitable.

I see all the data I need through the sales funnel
The Google Analytics sales funnel will show the entire customer journey from clicking on an ad to a transaction only if all purchases are made online. If customers call before placing an order, you will not see such transactions - they are simply not taken into account in Google Analytics. In order to obtain this data, you will need a call tracking system. After integration, it will transmit information about calls to the analytical system, which are reflected in the reports.

I already use counters and call tracking
Using call tracking and website counters (for example, Google Analytics), you can see how many people and from what advertising source call you. But the number of purchases made after the call will remain a mystery to you, and you will not understand how profitable your advertising is. End-to-end analytics collects data on calls, website statistics and sales, providing you with the most complete picture of the effectiveness of advertising channels.

Which option should I choose for my business?

The choice of an end-to-end analytics model is influenced by many factors:

type of business and its specifics;
level of competition;
size of the advertising budget;
the level of competence of the marketer in working with data, and others.
For example, you have a premium segment business, and each target call costs several thousand rubles. Then you need the third, most complete option. It will allow you to get all the necessary data and is guaranteed to pay off. If you work in a low-competition area with a low cost per call, the first, simplest option will suit you.

In general, you need to proceed from how much your business needs this tool, whether you are ready to bear the costs of its implementation. It is also necessary to consider whether your company has a competent specialist who will work with it. After all, the data obtained by itself will not be able to increase the effectiveness of advertising, you need to be able to apply it correctly.