A lot is at stake when you make changes to a websit

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A lot is at stake when you make changes to a websit

Post by zihadhasan012 »

Jessica Bowman: "When SEO isn’t part of the process, you leave money on the table, and throw even more money out the door and in the garbage for good measure. The worst case scenario is that it can wreak havoc on your efforts and can cost thousands of dollars to fix (hundreds of thousands for large organizations and complex websites), it can throw away years of SEO work and tank your rankings and traffic in a single release.

It’s surprising how sometimes the smallest little change united arab emirates mobile phone numbers database that doesn’t seem to relate to SEO can negatively impact the bottom line. For this reason, it’s in a company’s best interest to educate everyone in the company on SEO and keep the SEO team informed on what is happening in each release." Fran Larkin: SEO issues are treated like any other bugs on the site. We track them, determine the importance and prioritize accordingly.

Where Does That Leave Us? Every organization and their processes (or lack of processes) are different. What is universal though is the importance of weaving SEO into that process. As both Jessica and Fran mentioned, it’s important to make sure everyone is on board and has an understanding of what SEO is and why it’s important. Finding an SEO proponent within each
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