Has piracy become legal in Russia?

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Has piracy become legal in Russia?

Post by Sgfujfg »

Before the invasion of Ukraine, the use of unlicensed software in Russia was illegal. However, the document proposes alternatives to deal with the refusal of withdrawn countries and technology companies to provide them. In fact, piracy is expected to become legal, further demolishing any chance that the dreaded war will end soon.

Point 6.7.3 of the published plan is very clear on this. Its line database implementation would cancel the responsibility for the use of unlicensed software belonging to a company or country that supported the sanctions.

As a result, the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation would be rendered null and void. In this way, the country could reduce its dependence on foreign technologies and software and even encourage the development of its own.
From one perspective, this would not be so bad, as it could boost Russian economic growth. Other countries have done this and that is why we have specialists in SEO positioning Barcelona and software development Tarragona.
The problem lies in the reasons for this need: a premeditated war, the forced imposition of political interests and the censorship applied to Western inventions on a global scale.

Can piracy be legalized?
Now, another question that resonates on the networks is the legality of such a drastic measure as this one. In this regard, Article 1360 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation gives us the answer. It establishes that "in case of emergency" the government can dispose of the use of an invention, utility model or industrial design without the consent of the owner(s) of its patent.

The fact is that the political crisis has erected a large digital wall between Russia and the rest of the world. However, the rest of Europe is still connected and Spain continues to have developers and agencies specialized in Barcelona SEO positioning, Tarragona SEO positioning, digital marketing and software development. Cloud Group is one of them, so if you are looking for any of these services, you can contact us. Click here and let us know what you need.
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