Is even more important if you are buying for investment. Don't rely 100% on a real estate consultant (like me) or the landlord to explain the pros and cons of the house. They have a vested interest. If the investment doesn't work out, you will be the one who will suffer the consequences. Then…. 2) Make an Appointment When making this appointment, I suggest you come during the day so you can see the real picture of the area.
The appointment time is also your free time. Don't set a time when you denmark whatsapp database are in a hurry like on a weekday, lunch time or 6 pm. If you are in a hurry, you will make the wrong decision. During your appointment, if the real estate agent who is managing the house asks about your preparations for buying a house, cooperate. They really want to help you get a house.
3) Home Visit On the day you visit the house you want to buy, pay attention to the following: Environment : Are there things that make you feel uncomfortable from a hygiene perspective? For example, sewage plants, garbage or quarry sites. Neighborhood : who will be your neighbors? Families, students or foreign workers? How will they handle parking and garbage? Property features : what floor, what does it face? Condition of the house/building : is the house or building well maintained? Does the house need repairs? How much will it cost? Items left by the owner : Will the owner leave any specific furniture in the house? Ask them to list it.
This process of researching the location
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