Even more striking is

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Even more striking is

Post by fomayof928@mowline »

However, it is possible for a company to create courses dedicated to the topic, as we do at OTO agency. I decided to do this because I realized that these soft skills play a fundamental role within my business, as they improve relationships, productivity and efficiency throughout the company. Let's take the example of a secretary: she must always be in touch with all her colleagues, know how to listen to them and understand their needs.

Even more striking is the case of “operational” employees.to share similar singapore phone number list experiences with my They must stay in touch with the rest of the company: to manage their work; for example, they must relate to accounting for the management of purchases and sales; but they must also know how to organize their time to fulfill the tasks received. Soft skills are therefore those non-technical activities that employees and collaborators perform daily in a working day.

But entrepreneurs also have the opportunity to put their soft skills into practice every day. Unfortunately, we entrepreneurs as well as employees are not very aware of the importance of these skills and when something does not go as it should, we always think about improving our skills or we look for the cause outside ourselves and outside the company (market, customers, etc.
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