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A time like Coronavirus

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:49 am
by fomayof928@mowline
Especially in times of isolation and in contexts of widespread negativity, we desperately need interaction , distraction and entertainment . We also increasingly feel the desire to gather together and be part of a community with the same problems, needs and dreams. The brand in the time of coronavirus The communication objectives of companies at this precise moment must necessarily reposition themselves and be rewritten: this can no longer be exclusively the moment to find particular benefits or advantages in the purchase of products or services.

It is time to (re)expose the founding values brazil phone number list ​​that underpin companies and communicate and adapt them to this stormy situation. Yes, but how? I would like to return to the title for a moment: “The brand in the time of Coronavirus” . I would like to take up again one of the books I recently read, “ The brand Gap ” by Marty Neumeier, in which the author's definition of brand is the following: “A brand is a person's gut feeling about a product, service, or company” , and that is “a brand is a deep feeling that a person has about a product, service, or company” .

Therefore, during a time like Coronavirus, companies need to be able to answer the following question: “What should we do and how should we communicate to establish that deep feeling of connection with people?” “Creativity arises from the tension between spontaneity and limitations” (Rollo May). Yep. On a creative level, it is in difficulties and limitations that the irrational component of our brain is most stimulated. And several companies have already amply demonstrated this on an expressive, artistic and experiential level.