This reflects the product definition mentioned earlier

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This reflects the product definition mentioned earlier

Post by rifat28dddd »

have transformed into B side products. But most people will start thinking about the B side... See details> . Content of the strategic layer Since we want to derive from the strategic layer, we first need to understand what the strategic product layer is - that is, the product goals, which include two elements: user needs and company goals. User needs User needs are easily understood, i.e. what are the pain points of the users, what problems the product solves for the users and what services they provide. It must have a scenario, users and be able to close the loop.

user needs are a single whole, for example, hailing a taxi colombia phone numbers includes positioning, hailing a taxi, boarding a bus, paying and even estimating, etc. No link is missing. All are involved in the demand for taxis. Company goals The company goal is what the company wants to get by providing this product or service Generally speaking, it is profit, but in the short term it can be traffic flow, growth, brand building, etc. This is an integral part of the product goals, because if the product does not help the company make money or achieve its business goals, then there is no reason for the company to continue supporting iterations.

All product managers will certainly think about user needs when setting product goals, but it is easy to ignore the company's goals. The end result is that they just want to make the perfect product without considering cost and iteration, and as a result, the company falls. This requires us to set different goals at different stages. The goal of strategic analysis should revolve around two elements, namely, determining who our target users are and how we should serve those users to achieve what kind of return. Generally speaking, it will be more rigorous to determine the company's goals after we have a clear understanding of user needs, because the company's goals must be based on an understanding of users and the market.
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