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5 thoughts on “Search intent on Google – How to find it for your website!

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 6:39 am
by ariful199
When it comes to current events, football results, stock prices, weather, product prices and many other topics, timeliness is important, no question. Nobody wants to know the weather from two years ago (well, almost nobody). Accordingly, Google places a lot of value on new content, or rather, current information. On the other hand, there are also many topics where relatively timeless information is sufficient. When it comes to reviews of a particular board game, tips on how to make money online, information on how to tie a tie, gardening and so on, the information does not change at all or at least not that much over time.

Of course, no topic is truly timeless forever, but many articles remain just as finland mobile phone numbers database interesting, informative and helpful over the years as they were when they were first written. Google sees it that way too. SEO case study is a blog about blogging. I started it at the beginning of 2009 and from the beginning I aimed for a mixture of timeless articles and news. Over the years I noticed that the news articles were totally outdated, no longer brought in any traffic and I deleted such articles.

However, most of the articles were relatively timeless and still bring in very good number of hits. Here are a few examples. “Sources for Blog Photos” Published on 18.3.2009 139 views in the last 30 days New content - important or dispensable for SEO and Google rankings? This Google search results excerpt shows very well that my article, which is more than 10 years old, still ranks very well. “Finding the perfect blog niche” Published on 14.