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A to read some data from this study

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:25 am
by fomayof928@mowline
It seems that Brazilian consumers are increasingly purchasing perishable and non-perishable foods, butcher products, frozen foods, cold cuts, sausages and fresh products, among others, online. According to a study by the data intelligence ecosystem Neogrid, in collaboration with the research platform Opinion Box , published by the Terra portal, Brazilians' shopping habits in supermarkets have changed significantly after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Next, you will be able to read some data from this study, which indicates philippines whatsapp a growing trend in online grocery shopping for 2024. Check it out! CONSUMERS MOST PRESENT IN ONLINE MARKETS According to a Neogrid research, among the Brazilian consumers interviewed: 47% buy supermarket products on e-commerce; 52% prefer to buy in physical stores; 25% frequently buy from online marketplaces; 72% will increase the frequency of purchases in online marketplaces in 2024.

As you can see, physical supermarkets are still widely used by Brazilian consumers. However, there is a strong trend towards online shopping. This is partly due to the paradigm shift caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the digital native generations, made up of people born since the early 2000s, are entering the labor market and occupying leadership positions within companies.