Convey Your Companys Usps as Well
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:30 am
File size an important one to consider is videos videos can be a great way .
To convey your companys usps as well as showcase client testimonials however videos are often . Very large file sizes and can be very slow to load get around this by . Using an external hosting site for your videos such as vidyard youtube or vimeo and . Then embed them onto your website pages embedding videos saves space and results in faster . Load times mobile responsiveness is another key contributor to search rankings google priortises mobile page . Speed as a core metric in afghanistan phone number library determining search ranking this means when google is looking .
at Your Website It Will Read Your
At your website it will read your mobile site first so if your site isnt . Optimised for mobile your rankings will be negatively impacted since google searches contribute to 94 . Of all organic search traffic you want to impress this influential search engine that means . Opting for a mobilefirst or responsive website design you can easily figure out if your . Website is mobilefriendly or not with googles search console simply enter your websites url into . The console and google will let you know if your website meets its standard of .
To convey your companys usps as well as showcase client testimonials however videos are often . Very large file sizes and can be very slow to load get around this by . Using an external hosting site for your videos such as vidyard youtube or vimeo and . Then embed them onto your website pages embedding videos saves space and results in faster . Load times mobile responsiveness is another key contributor to search rankings google priortises mobile page . Speed as a core metric in afghanistan phone number library determining search ranking this means when google is looking .
at Your Website It Will Read Your
At your website it will read your mobile site first so if your site isnt . Optimised for mobile your rankings will be negatively impacted since google searches contribute to 94 . Of all organic search traffic you want to impress this influential search engine that means . Opting for a mobilefirst or responsive website design you can easily figure out if your . Website is mobilefriendly or not with googles search console simply enter your websites url into . The console and google will let you know if your website meets its standard of .