17. Cross streams by showing gratitude through networks This tactic starts more fights on more networks. A few days after you share it on Twitter, check BuzzSumo to see who shared and commented. Pick out any familiar faces, and now share the article again on LinkedIn (or any other network). Like you, thank (and tag) these people for their previous shares and comments. Since they have already seen the article in Network A and liked it, they are likely to share it, as well as comments in Network B. 18. Targeted sharing: Identify people who will enjoy the article.
Use Twitter's search tool to find relevant people with chinese overseas america data large followings who would be interested and likely to share. Mention one or two of them at the end of another tweet. 19. Schedule tweets for the near future during high traffic hours. Schedule at least four tweets for the future. Assign them the highest traffic times for your audience (according to FollowerWonk). Schedule a few for day two, a few more a few days later, and a few the following week. To avoid the messages looking repetitive in your streams.
Links to deeper internal sections of the article (that's why you added those links earlier). Use different quotes from the article Share statistics and data from the article Use visuals that are distinct from the content in social posts. 20. Send it again when traffic is low The best" time to share is also the noisiest. Try sharing when social feeds are quiet, like in the middle of the night. An anti-competitive time can make you more visible. It can also attract an international audience. 21. Post at 9:57 or 10:03, before or just after the hour.