The museum & internet

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The museum & internet

Post by Bappy32 »

This question came up during the annual Museums and the Web conference, held this year in Baltimore. ' Postdigital ' would mean that museums have fully embraced the 'new normal' and that 'digital' has become a natural part of the museum. We think we are not there yet, after all, the title of the conference should simply be 'Museums'…

The museum and the internet, it remains a special combination. Technology is often embraced early and experimentally and developments are very visible. This year fortunately much less augmented reality, but a lot of mobile, a touch of Internet of Things and of course Google Glass. The congress gives a nice picture of the online status of the sector.

The museum and internet congress is held annually in the US or Canada and many bangladesh mobile phone number list Europeans come. The number of Dutch people was limited this year. The partly international character provides insight into the question of whether we are lagging behind in Europe. The answer is no! American museums adopt more quickly, but the user is sometimes hard to find. Technology often takes precedence, as do themes such as intellectual property, accessibility and statistics. What you do with it or what you get out of it is sometimes of secondary importance.
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