Facebook are among the companies

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Facebook are among the companies

Post by Bappy32 »

We regularly provide an update of facts and figures on the use of social media in the Infographic Day series. These updates are interesting if you want to know which platforms are popular, whether there are any shifts to be seen and what the trends are in the field of social media.

Numbers to make your head spin
The title of the infographics below is 'Fascinating social media statistics from 2013'. Although 2014 is almost four months old, the infographic below is no less interesting. The creators (SpareFoot) collected facts and figures about the use of various social media platforms.

Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+ andtha austria mobile phone number list show (growth) figures that will make your head spin. For example, Twitter had over 231 million active users every month in 2013. Over 90 percent of Facebookers log in to their account every day and almost 40 percent of LinkedIn users switched to a Premium account, which is a lot.

Infographics are shared more often than presentations and documents
Furthermore, the visual shows trends in the field of social. 2013 was the year of selfies. In 2013, more than 35 million of these self-portraits were published on Instagram. Image is a popular form of content to share online. Infographics are shared more often than presentations and documents. Video is also doing well on social media. Videos made with the Vine service are viewed four times more often than other regular brand videos.

Want to read more facts and figures about social media? Scroll down quickly to view the infographic. For a larger version, click on the image.

The Use of Social Media - 13 Interesting Facts in a Row [Infographic]

Follow the entire series Infographic Day . Are you a fan of infographics? Then also follow the Pinterest account of Frankwatching . Here we collect the best infographics, screencasts and visuals about online and social. Photo intro courtesy of Fotolia.
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