We have already seen how to choose the right keywords for SEO positioning , but if you want to create an effective strategy that allows you to increase visits to the site, we must go further and learn to organize the work.
So let's do some theory and try to understand thatkeyword typesthey exist andhow to use them bestto intercept and satisfy users' needs.
A lead generation technique is used that consists of allowing the download of a guide in exchange for an email address. You can then insert the lead (contact) into a marketing generation system and, in exchange for sending other material via newsletter, it will allow you to offer your service at a later time.
Informational or informative keywords are word solomon islands email list that users use in search engines to find specific information on a particular topic .
Therefore, they do not concern the interest in purchasing but the need to learn about a specific topic. They are generally used by users who have a problem and are looking for a solution.
Assuming I am a user with a non-indexed site, I could for example write:
How to appear on the first page of Google
What to do to be indexed
What is SEO?