Consider alternative meanings?

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Consider alternative meanings?

Post by Habib01 »

2. Take advantage of existing NK lists

Once you know the effective search terms for your business, you should focus on finding those that only increase the bounce rate of your advertising. To do this, it is useful to rely on predefined lists; for which there are many resources available on the Internet. Even Wikipedia can serve these purposes. In the example of the baby clothing store, the list of words belonging to categories such as women's clothing could be used as NK.

Dictionary and other lexical tools are very useful for using NK as forms of “ lexical disambiguation .” It is also helpful to review lists of words associated with industries that have nothing to do with your business. An example related to the baby clothing store scenario might be to look at songs that have the word “baby” as part of their titles. The number of matches here can be considerable.

On the other hand, it is possible to face the case where a keyword is so short that it cameroon consumer email list​ coincides with the acronym of another term. Thus, it is necessary to use a list of acronyms to add to the NK those that, due to their length, coincide with queries from users interested in other topics.

4. Rely on keyword search tools

The more terms you have in your list to display your ads on, the more work it takes to define negative keywords. However, there are many tools (free and paid) that make it easier to find relevant keywords . One free one is Übersuggest , which not only provides suggestions according to the term entered, but also sorts the results alphabetically and allows you to quickly create a list with its selection tool.

5. Keep an eye on trending topics.

Google does not print ads related to TTs that suddenly shoot up on its search engine or Twitter. Therefore, it is important to be aware of what is happening in this area in order to add to the list of negative keywords those terms associated with the explosive interest of Internet users. Tools to keep up with these events are Google Trends and Trendsmap .

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