When data needs to be partitioned to align with your organisational structure, Business Units are for you and this is available in the Pardot Advanced edition. With Business Units, you have access to Marketing Data Sharing Rules which allow you to configure which data is allowed into each Business Unit. This relies on a single field in Salesforce and is a great way to restrict what data goes where.
Alongside this, you can lean on User Sync and phone number in cambodia only allow certain users into each Business Unit. This means only the right people are allowed to see the right data!
It keeps data safe, teams productive, and reporting accurate.
2. You are reaching account limits very quickly and often
Sometimes you might be hitting data, Engagement Studio or Automation Rule limits really quickly and you don’t know why.
This can be a huge problem because once an automation asset limit is hit it will restrict all of your users from creating more. This will completely stall a team!

When lots of teams across the globe use a single instance of Pardot it tends to get very busy, quickly. This breeds a culture of putting a plaster on a problem for as long as possible and teams will pay consultants like us to help them clean up the database to free up storage or help them archive automations to try and free up the system.
Completely remove this problem using Business Units, as each one comes with its own set of account limits. This means you have a lot of breathing room and you can let your teams do their thing. Again, Business Units is a Pardot Advanced feature.
3. You want to manage multiple languages and mitigate risk
One of the most common problems for global corporations is when teams in many different countries with different languages are using a single instance of Pardot.
You might have multiple websites too and using one instance of Pardot will mean lots of data from different sites in various countries is flowing into one single account.
Think how many templates you’ll need to create in different languages (header/footer/address info) and factor in how many users will be in the system. The risk of a user accidentally overwriting the wrong template is quite high and this could cause massive disruption.
Short story - why a single account isn’t good for global businesses
Years ago, when I was a Pardot freelancer, I worked on a global project where I had to change the opt-in process from a double opt-in to a single opt-in.
This sounds simple in theory but I had to do this for 36 countries.
The complexity increased because some countries had more processes, forms, and automation than others, which meant additional time had to go into ensuring ‘business as usual’ and compliance for that country.