Are the main studies on the chosen topic of the article mentioned?

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[email protected]
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Are the main studies on the chosen topic of the article mentioned?

Post by [email protected] »

It is more difficult to prove in publication the usefulness of their discoveries to theorists of physics and mathematicians. When mathematical works of W.R. Hamilton, S. Laplace, S. Poisson, N.I. Lobachevsky were published , their usefulness was not proven. But the further development of the theory of complex numbers, vector analysis, the law of large numbers became the basis for the mathematical justification and calculation of most inventions of practical scientists. The development of mathematics helped to solve practical problems facing physics, thermodynamics, ballistics, and construction fields of science.

Tip 7 - After writing, review the introduction
In order for the beginning of a scientific article to be of poland number for whatsapp high quality and meet all the requirements, it must be analyzed after writing. The key points to check are:

Let's sum it up
Now you know how to write an introduction to a research paper: strictly follow the structure, do not exceed 5-10% of the entire work, study good examples, and at the end be sure to check compliance with the main criteria. Your task is to let the reader understand what and why you are researching. Then the main part and conclusion will be a logical continuation of the introduction, and the entire article will be easier to understand, even if the research topic is very complex.
Abbreviation of academic degrees
The vast majority of academic staff and university professors are candidates and doctors of various sciences. They receive their degree after defending a corresponding dissertation. This obliges them to provide information about their degree before their last name in all business documents.

Most often, these designations are quite long, and in order to save space, abbreviations of academic degrees are accepted according to GOST. According to these standards, the word "candidate" can be written as "cand.", and "doctor" - as "dr." The name of the scientific field in which the degree was obtained is also abbreviated. The exceptions are architecture, art history, cultural studies and theology. They must be written in full: Cand. of Art History, Cand. of Theology, Dr. of Cultural Studies, Dr. of Architecture.


This is done because they do not go with the word "science", as in all other cases. For example, you cannot say "doctor of cultural sciences" or "candidate of architectural sciences". The following principle applies to all other areas of scientific knowledge: the name of the disciplinary direction is shortened to two or three syllables, after which a period is put, and "sciences" is written in full with a small letter. For example, "Dr. of Geol.-Mineral. Sciences", "Candidate of Geogr. Sciences".
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