What is a brand book?

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What is a brand book?

Post by subornaakter24 »

Many people have difficulty answering the question of what a brand book is. Some believe that it is a collection (like "War and Peace") about the corporate style of a brand, others call it an instruction manual for an advertising campaign. Both are partly right, but you shouldn't mix everything up.

A brand book is a purely Russian version investor leads of a standard for describing a brand. Compiling it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The structure, design, and medium are all important here. It is equally important to know how to use this document later, and in principle, to understand why the company needs it.

According to the Russian Wiki, the origin of the word "brandbook" is connected with the English term "brand book". However, the Russian version of the free encyclopedia does not provide any explanations regarding its meaning in the original language. Apparently, it is believed that all readers themselves understand what it is about. But if you look at the English Wikipedia, you can find more interesting information.

What is a brand book?

Source: shutterstock.com

The word brand is used in such areas as marketing, advertising, business. As a phenomenon, branding was originally used in farming: this was the name of the process of putting a brand on the body of animals (it was burned with a hot iron) in order to distinguish cattle belonging to different owners.

The origin of the word “brand” is associated with the Old Norse brandr, meaning “to burn”, “to scorch”.

The brand book combination also has an interesting history. According to the laws of many states in the USA, before you become the owner of an animal, you must brand it and register the brand.

Typical brand books (registration books) include information:

about the image of the brand;

about where it stands on the animal;

about types of animals with branding;

about the name of the brand owner.

Such books are usually provided to law enforcement officers and county agents (free of charge), and in some states they are generally freely available to anyone who wants them.

Law enforcement agencies, brand inspectors and the association of investigators use information from brand books to track the movements of livestock, prevent their theft or destruction, and catch violators of the law.

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There are no other meanings of the concept of brand book in the English version of Wikipedia. What is called a brand book in our country has another name there — style guide, which means “style guide”. And a style guide, according to Wiki, is nothing more than a set of standards for writing [layout] and formatting [design] documents, either for general use [meaning the main activity of the organization] or for a specific publication, in the organization [as a whole] or in a separate area. You can often find another name — style sheet, although this term has other meanings.
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