The article explains:
What is reframing?
How Reframing Works in Sales
How to Win Client Trust Using 3 Key Rules of Reframing in Sales
5 Sales Reframing Techniques That Will Win The Buyer Over To Your Side
6 Sales Reframing Techniques to Help Solve Common Problems
12 Sales Situations Where Reframing Principles Can Be Applied
5 Books That Will Help You Understand How to Use Reframing in Sales
5 Scenarios for Using Neural Networks to Increase Website Profits by 40%
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Reframing is a technique that costa rica email list is very common in NLP. It is designed to change the interlocutor's attitude to the topic of conversation simply by rearranging the accents and changing the context. Agree, this is very often needed in communication with potential buyers.
What is reframing in sales, how does it work and how to use it correctly? Let's talk about this in our material.
What is reframing?
All our aspirations and goals are within us. But we live in a society that surrounds us. Our task is to connect these aspirations with events in the world. To do this, we use meaning. That is, a meaning is attributed to a particular situation in the environment, connecting the value with the event.
This is why meanings are so important in our lives. We connect external events with our inner world only because we attribute a certain meaning to them.
The man looked at me sideways - he despises me.
If an employee is systematically late, it means he does not value his work.
If I run 5 kilometers, then I'm ready for a marathon.
"Making sense," that is, giving meaning to everything, is a very irrational, subjective, and obscure process. Especially when you are not the one assigning these meanings. But the desire to influence this process is very strong, because we want the meanings to be what we need.
What is reframing?
This process can also be called evaluation. That is, evaluation related to values. And this is where reframing comes in. An excellent model of playing with meaning and changing the evaluation of events.
The foundations of reframing were formed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Before creating new psychological techniques, they had been watching psychotherapists work for quite a long time and identified interesting trends. As a result of their work, a new psychological technology emerged that allowed people to rethink difficult events and their behavior in order to start looking at them positively, not negatively.
The term "reframing" (from the English frame) is a set of techniques in modern positive psychology, NLP, which means restructuring or rethinking perception, behavior, thoughts and ultimately getting rid of destructive (anxious) behavior. Reframing methods are often used in business technologies to bring companies to a higher level of development.
Speech strategies are used to reframe the personality. The impact of words and the impact of the value map change the person's perception of their qualities and the unpleasant situation that has formed.
Reframing in Sales: How to Use It Correctly
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