We just want to improve it, complete it and adapt it to searches, but in no case change it completely.
So it's not about destroying it to start over from scratch, but rather about using synonyms, expanding it with data, using the new keywords that we have found and that are better adapted to what our target is looking for or even changing one meta description for another to increase our CTR because, by doing so, we include a word that is better adapted to what our user is looking for.
What I always recommend is that the text remains useful, that it is not forced and with keywords shoehorned in.
It seems easy but we tend to think more about how many times a keyword is repeated than about creating a text that is useful and interesting.
Think when you finish it, if you would read it or if, russian virtual mobile number on the contrary, you would abandon that post immediately.
The reality is that we have so little time in our daily lives that if we don't create useful content that solves a problem, doubt, etc., we don't spend time reading for the sake of reading.
Optimize the text first and leave the meta tagging for last, as you will have to tweak it with special care to avoid eliminating any keywords that do work.

Implementing the ImageObject Rich Snippets
Now that we have our article optimized comes the new part of this matter: the implementation of the ImageObject microformat .
The implementation of this rich snippet is done through microdata and must be done directly in the source code, in this case, of each of the images on your page or pages to be optimized.
You can also check if it is implemented correctly with Google's free tool, Structured Data testing tool.
Of course, you already know that Google takes a few days to display its data in Search Console, so don't expect to see it there immediately.
mageObject Microformat Validation
If you look closely, you can see that we have also optimized the description field of the image, which is highly recommended to optimize the keywords we want to rank for.
Validation with Google Microformat Testing Tool
Once placed in the HTML code, we will go to Google Search Console to check if we have placed it correctly through the Structured Data tool located in Appearance in the search engine.