One of the first things you're taught when you start blogging is an editorial calendar. I've been doing this for 5 years and I've never used one.
Carlos Bravo8
I'm about to board a plane to Barcelona. I'll be in meetings all morning. I've also used lunchtime for networking and in the afternoon I'm teaching the Facebook Ads Course. Then a friend picks me up because this time I won't be making the round trip on the same day and so I can find out more about his life than a phone call would give.
editorial calendarPhoto rights by Fotolia
The only time I have to write and schedule the daily post is during the flight. So I've already started writing while I watch the first passengers boarding. Why am I telling you about my life?
Why an editorial calendar isn't for everyone
I consider myself a creative person, so my posts come japan phone number list free out spontaneously and on impulse. I still don't know what I'll write about tomorrow, but the experience of the last 3 years has shown me that I don't have to worry about that because I'll find it.
Many readers have asked me if I use an editorial calendar to be able to publish with such a high frequency. Before continuing, let's briefly answer what an editorial calendar consists of. As the name indicates, it is a document that supports the blogger in planning the topics for his blog . This way you know 1-4 weeks in advance what you are going to write.
I'll be honest with you. An editorial calendar would kill my blog because it would kill creativity . This is my particular case, but on a day like today, having to write about a topic that I've planned for weeks would be extremely complicated. When I'm under pressure, I need to write about something that comes naturally and that I feel I need to write about at that moment. It's very likely that an editorial calendar would rarely fit with my topic preferences.
How an editorial calendar could work well
It's clear that what works for me doesn't necessarily work for someone else. There are bloggers who need a plan because they have a different personality than I do . There are people who need the security that comes with planning. I "make up" content as I write, whereas others may have already invested hours of research and have a plan before they start writing. It's also clear that if you're a journalist or writing is your profession, some kind of planning is probably unavoidable, even for the most creative people.