2. Arianna Huffington. Arianna is a

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2. Arianna Huffington. Arianna is a

Post by zihadhosenjm60 »

2. Arianna Huffington.
Arianna is a co-founder of The Huffington Post, author of the recent New York Times best-seller The Sleep Revolution and stepped down as Editor-in-Chief of The Huffington Post to pursue her new wellness startup, uk ka number kya hai Global, which will offer wellness trainings and workshops on stress reduction. Here’s her business advice for entrepreneurs who want to start a business for the first time:

“If you’re going to start a business, you need to really love it, because not everybody is going to love it. When The Huffington Post was first launched in 2005, there were so many detractors. I remember a critic who wrote that The Huffington Post was an unsurvivable failure.”

"You have to really believe in your product to deal with the naysayers and persevere." @ariannahuff
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“When you get reviews like that and detractors like that, you have to really believe in your product. When you really believe in your product, you are willing to deal with all the naysayers and persevere.”

3. Mark Cuban. Start-Business-Advice-Mark-Cuban-on-ryrob
Mark is an entrepreneur and investor on ABC’s Shark Tank. He’s the owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, Landmark Theatres, Magnolia Pictures, and is the chairman of the HDTV cable network AXS TV. In his recent interview on 30 Days of Genius with CreativeLive, Mark talked a lot about the mistakes many new entrepreneurs make when they think they’ve found a profitable business idea. Here’s his business advice to those who want to start a business:

“What I always ask people is, (1) is it something you love to do and (2) is this something you’re good at?”

"Choose something that you both love and are good at doing." @mcuban
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