If necessary, adjust the brightness balance (make the photo brighter, remove yellowness), but do not play with filters and Photoshop.
If you follow these rules, you can take good photos yourself, without resorting to agencies. Remember that ads with photos get more views, and with high-quality photos - more buyers. Be sure to add a layout of the apartment - at least a schematic one.
Write a short, concise text. Write simply, but without jargon. Do not use vague wording, it is better to add specifics. For example: it is a 5-minute walk to the bus stop, the nearest kindergarten is croatia business email list opposite the house, a 2-minute walk away, the apartment has been recently renovated: new windows, doors, wallpaper, linoleum.
Use all available platforms that are in demand. For example, CIAN, Avito . Post an ad on social networks, tell your friends about the sale, print out leaflets and place them on information boards in the area. The more people know about the sale, the better.
We organize a showing of the apartment
A showing is like an interview with a buyer: it's important to leave a good impression.
Do some cleaning, buy shoe covers to keep it
Think about what you will talk about with your guests: how you will answer uncomfortable questions and what benefits you will talk about.
Try to provide an individual approach to everyone. Tell families about kindergartens and playgrounds, young people about parks and establishments, older people about places for walks and shops.