2. Benefits in connection with unemployment from the moment of dismissal due to staff reduction (not paid to employees hired for less than two months):
payment of sick leave if temporary disability occurs within a period of up to 30 calendar days from the last working day;
payments in the amount of the average salary for the second and third months if it is impossible to find employment (the amount for the first month is transferred on the last working day), if the employee provides documents confirming the absence of work.
To receive unemployment namibia email list benefits for the second month from the date of dismissal, you must complete an application and present your work record book at your former place of work. Severance pay for the third month in the amount of the average salary is accrued only under special circumstances.
For this to happen, the following conditions must be met:
the employee has no financial resources;
the person has dependent disabled family members;
the employee contacted the employment center within 14 days of dismissal and was unable to find employment;
the presence of a decision on the right to receive this payment, issued by the employment service.
Calculation of severance pay in case of layoffs
The amount of severance pay in the event of a layoff is calculated using the formula:
VP = SZ * RD
In which:
РД - the number of working days in the month following dismissal,
ADI is the average daily earnings, for the calculation of which you can use the formula ADI = GD / 730, where the variable GD means the total income for the last two annual intervals.
When calculating the SZ, it is necessary to exclude periods of vacation, temporary disability, etc. However, this indicator must include all additional payments - bonuses and various allowances.
It should also be taken into account that some categories of employees being laid off have special privileges. Consequently, the calculation of severance pay for them will have certain features.
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Calculation procedure
The accountant's responsibilities include calculating the amount of payments using a formula based on the available data and entering the resulting amounts into the documentation.
The calculation of severance pay is carried out separately for each employee, since its amount depends on the total income, which is not the same. The payment is usually calculated in relation to the month following the dismissal.
The time period for calculating the average monthly salary is one year. This indicator must include salary, wages, all types of additional allowances and bonuses. At the same time, the time period for calculating does not include days during which the employee did not perform his duties due to being on vacation, on a business trip, or due to temporary disability.
Along with other types of payments, severance pay must be transferred to the employee on the last day before dismissal.
Forming stage
Source: shutterstock.com
To perform all calculations, specially developed formulas are used to simplify calculations. It is recommended to use the following standard algorithm:
the amount of annual income is calculated minus payments for sick leave, etc.;
the number of actual working days is calculated;
the amount of earnings for one day of work is calculated;
daily earnings are multiplied by the number of days in the month following dismissal;
the resulting amount is recorded in the accounting documentation;
Severance pay upon redundancy and other payments are transferred to the employee on his last working day.
Calculation in accordance with the standard algorithm is applied to most groups of workers, with the exception of socially protected ones. For these categories, there are a number of legislatively regulated features that must be taken into account when calculating.
Let's look at an example: Employee Petrov is being laid off. The number of days he worked without exception during the annual period is 250. Total annual income is 700 thousand rubles.
We calculate the average salary: the income is divided by days, which equals 2800 rubles. This number is multiplied by the number of working days in the month following dismissal. So, if there are 20 working days, then the severance pay will be 56,000 rubles.
This amount must be paid to the employee along with other required payments.
Severance pay and compensation differ significantly from each other. The former is a priority payment along with salary and compensation for unused vacation days. Compensation, on the contrary, is supposed to be transferred to the employee monthly for two months.
What payments are due to an employee upon dismissal?
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