Getting an immortal blog is not an easy task. Blogs have not been around long enough to say that there are blogs that have reached that level. In the end, it is like everything in life: reinvent yourself or die. I present to you the 5 phases from the birth to the renewal of a blog.
Carlos Bravo16
I never tire of saying that consistency is a key factor for blog success. Of the people who start a blog, 95% abandon the project after a short time. If you ask questions about the reasons, you always get more or less the same answers:
Create an immortal blogPhoto rights by Fotolia
Lack of time to write.
After a few entries I had no ideas for new posts.
Fear of continuing to publish due to having received criticism.
Demotivation because only a few people came to the blog without leaving feedback in the comments.
The reasons are all related to a lack of awareness. Many people start because someone around them (both privately and through social media contacts) has convinced or influenced them to decide to create a blog.
In order not to give up after a short time, it is important to journalist email database know the phases and their duration. If you start training for a marathon, you will be guided by a training plan that is adapted to your goals. Although there is no exact data, I want to give you some guidance on the duration of each phase and what it takes to move from one to the next.
Blog birth: key tasks when you start (phase 1)
The launch phase of a blog is not just about creating a design, setting up WordPress and publishing your first post. It is the time you need to create a minimal foundation for the future success of your blog. You are about to present your “baby” to the world and you need to be aware of every step.
The 5 phases of blogging
Write and publish the first 50 entries of your blog.
Capture and retain the blog's first readers.
Get the first comments and generate interaction with your content.
Identify the top bloggers in your sector and start interacting with them.
This phase can last 6-12 months depending on the frequency of publication and the quality of the content. There are some beginner mistakes that are frequently repeated when developing a blog.