I check the messages every day via the RSS reader and Tweetdeck, which keeps me up to date with the latest news, my field of expertise and trends. This saves a lot of time and is a lot clearer than before.
By using digital media, employees are able to respond directly to commercial opportunities that come along. Sometimes it is a matter of signaling and taking immediate action. This shows us that maintaining valuable connections online also contributes to business objectives.
Via LinkedIn I saw that a company was going to move into an additional building. I used this information to talk to the client about financing the growth of his company. It resulted in us being at the table on time (before he had a conversation with his own financial advisor from a competing party) and proactively being able to offer various options. It showed that we can operate quickly and decisively and that was appreciated.
Employees show themselves as experts
Within every organization, there is a huge amount of knowledge. During the process, employees learn what is relevant to share online with their network and how they can show their expertise hotel email address list by adding a personal note or vision to messages. So no transmission towers for the brand, but an authentic message from the person.
A client asked me, thanks to one of my posts, to exchange knowledge in the field of Lean. As a result, I contacted them and we are 'in conversation'. The objective is to exchange experiences in order to possibly set up a local network.
Network is growing
Using digital media makes it easier to maintain larger networks. Employees expand their network with an average of 12 percent new LinkedIn connections. On Twitter, they provide 44 percent new followers. By expanding their network with interesting contacts, their reach also increases.
I have expanded my business network on Twitter. By using the right hashtags, I have been able to increase my reach but also experience the role this plays in building your network. Using a certain hashtag creates followers in that industry.